After acquiring your dumpster rental, it’s important to follow guidelines to avoid a dumpster fire. While uncommon in most cases, avoiding the disposal of hazardous materials in the dumpster will prevent a dumpster fire.
Worried about what you can dispose in your dumpster rental? Don’t fret! We’re here to help. Just avoid disposing of the following materials.
- Flammable Liquids:
- Fuels
- Solvents
- Thinners
- Cleaners
- Adhesives
- Paints
- Waxes
- Polishes
These liquids, mixed in with wood or paper and under hot temperatures may ignite a fire. The general rule of thumb should always be to check the label on the liquids. Most labels will have a “flammable” sign that should serve as the clear sign to avoid the disposal of this material. Another important thing to note is to completely avoid disposing of material that’s been in a fire recently. Please make sure to contact the disposal service company and let them know of the complete situation. Most services will be able to inform you how long to wait and what procedures to take before disposing of the hazardous debris. The experts at can guide you regarding these situations, be sure to check them out on Facebook as well!
Other note-worthy materials to avoid include: asbestos (both friable and non-friable) and contaminated dirt. Please contact your service experts if you aren’t sure if your material can be disposed of. Both asbestos and contaminated dirt need special requirements and E.P.A certifications to be properly disposed of. The prices to dispose and transport these types of materials are usually a lot higher as well so be sure to ask what the difference would be.
We understand that navigating through the different do’s and don’ts of the dumpster rental industry may be difficult. That’s why we are here to help! We hope that the information presented in this blog was useful to you. We will keep posting helpful tips to continue our effort to make your dumpster rental search seamless.